We invite you to the 4th annual Convocation of Prayer at Bridgetown Baptist Church, Nesbit, MS.

This year services will begin Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 12 noon. As in previous years, the afternoons will be spent in prayer and the evenings in fellowship around the Word of God.

The years since the beginning of these meetings have been marked by the increasing speed with which our country is descending into total apostasy. The size, wealth and influence of Evangelical Christianity in our country has done little, if anything, to slow the moral and spiritual degradation of this once great land. The need for Concerts of Prayer for the very survival of this “City on a Hill” (Ronald Reagan) is greater now than it has ever been.

We charge no admission, ask for no registration fees, for those who come. Bridgetown Baptist Church and those who contribute to this work happily provide ourselves and our resources to this effort.

We invite such as agree with the Great Confessions (London – 1689, and Westminster) concerning the gospel to join with us in this effort to lay hold of God and His grace for our great needs. One need not be a pastor to join with us in this work.

The afternoons are broken into ‘sessions’ of prayer, each one with specific prayer points suggested. However, all are free to pray as God might lead or burden. In past years we have seen times of great blessing during these sessions with men pouring out their hearts to God, wrestling with Him in prayer, and at times finding blessing to their souls in the effort. We have often been drawn together in fellowship and worship into a unity of hearts and minds before God. This year, we are going to ask those who come to prepare by reading Andrew Murray’s book, The State of the Church. The book is available as a free download, 


or you can send an email to larrywdean@aol.com for a copy. Issues from the book will be used to provoke discussion and prayer in some of the sessions.

We do follow a few rules for the prayer times. The ladies pray silently as the men pray aloud. We ask that no one ‘speak in tongues’ during the times of prayer. And, we ask that all follow proper decorum for worship within the Lord’s church. The hymns we sing are the Psalms set to music.

The church serves a light dinner between the prayer sessions and the evening service. In years past some have chosen to fast during these days and we seek to make that process as easy on them as possible.

The evening session will begin at 7 P.M. nightly. After the evening meeting the pastors often gather for prayer to close the day.

Please consider the great need of our day. This is a small and unimpressive meeting, to be sure, but it is one of very few places where the saints may gather to cry out to God for Revival of our own souls, our churches and our great country.