I, like many of you, have carried a burden to see a Revival in our time for many years. Those of us who understand the history of revivals know that we have been subjected to a series of frauds and masquerades over the last 100 years that have almost erased from the consciousness of Christianity any real and true understanding or expectation of what Revival is, why it comes, how it is to be handled and what the results truly are.
We stand spiritually in a great desert with nothing but spiritual waste in all directions. All of the remedies that have been put forward have only taken us further down the road of apostasy and ruin.
There are those who know that our only hope is a return to God, a return that can only be understood and pursued as one gives himself to God in the same ways that our forefathers gave themselves. These people also know that it is simply not possible that one man is going to bring Revival and Awakening to us, that the only hope is the earnest gathering of godly people into Convocations of Prayer to lay hold of God and invoke His Mighty Power upon this fallen and corrupted world in which we live.
As I read and prayed for years concerning the great need of our time, I wondered that no one had organized a serious effort for joint prayer concerning this matter. As I prayed, I became convinced that this is the time for such an effort and that I ought to place myself at His disposal for the organization of such a meeting.
Therefore, as earnestly and prayerfully as I knew how, I planned the first Convocation of Prayer for Awakening and Revival for February of 2010. Since the beginning we have met on that same week of February each year and 2014 marks the 5th Convocation.
We have had some interesting, humbling, exhilarating, joyful, tearful, and encouraging times. At times it has seemed that all our efforts were a waste and at times it has seemed that we stood on a threshold of something wonderful. Needless to say, we have not yet seen the Awakening for which we pray, but some of have determined to continue in our labors until we see it.
Therefore, I am inviting you to join with us Feb. 18,19, and 20 of this year to spend three days praying for God to unveil His Power from Heaven upon His people. We are promoting no book, no organization, and no project except Revival, Real Revival, Real God-Sent and Heavenly Revival.
Those who meet in this Convocation are people who hold to the Doctrines of Grace as expressed in the ancient Confessions of Faith, deny the errors of the Charismatic movement and who believe that there is no hope in man at all for what we need.
The meeting will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 12 noon and will go through Thursday, Feb. 20 at the close of the evening service. Afternoons, from 12 to 5 will be occupied with sessions of prayer of about 1 hour each. Each session will have a guided focus and direction though liberty will be allowed for each to pray as he feels led.
The church will serve a light dinner at 5:30 for those who attend the prayer meetings and for the attending church membership.
Evening services will begin at 7 P.M. And will feature worship in song and the ministry of the Word of God by Eld. Wayne Camp. Bro. Camp is a well-known and able minister of the Word of God. In his ministry Bro. Camp founded the Illinois Baptist Institute and Seminary which is now Illinois Baptist College. He has spent many years in the pastorate as well as giving himself to a writing and Conference ministry. He is currently the publisher of the Grace Propagator and Promulgator, a magazine devoted to Sovereign Grace truth. Most recently he has served as missionary to Thailand. We know that those who attend the Convocation will be blessed by his ministry from the Word of God.
Bridgetown Baptist Church is located about 5 miles east of I55 in northwest MS. A map to our building can be found on this site.
You are welcome to contact me for more information at larrywdean@bridgetownbaptist.org.
I am praying that God will lead you to come and pray with us.
Larry W Dean, Pastor
Bridgetown Baptist Church
Nesbit, MS